Python : Snake Game
Course Content
Tutorial VDOs
1 create classes and functions
06:17 -
2 create constant variables
04:24 -
3 create game window and label
05:44 -
4 create a game canvas
09:22 -
5 create a snake’s food
08:07 -
6 create a snake
07:14 -
7 move snake with next turn function
09:28 -
8 snake start moving
04:25 -
9 control snake to turn
07:23 -
10 Snake eat food
06:39 -
11 check wall collision
09:34 -
12 check body collision
09:17 -
13 game over function detail
06:50 -
14 add sound effect
Student Ratings & Reviews
It is fun but the game is way too hard to play